Sunday 22 November 2015

Shadow (MiniBook) (made by Alex De Freitas) Part 1


Sixteen years ago there was a planet and the king and queen whom saw a Prophecy. About their son on earth as a hero and will bring down a darkness that would come to their planet of Grafict. Grafict was a Wonderful with Purple trees and yellow grass with green sky. All the children laugh and the planet was a giant city. No Wars and low crime. It was Perfect. The King and Queen Send their son down to earth and he landed on a beach then two lovely couple took him and gave him a home.
They rise him for years,when he was 10 they told him he was an alien, His Name was Alex. His BEST Friend Boaz knew he was alien.Alex is sixteen. One day Alex and Boaz was going to school , the school was dusty , old and run down, Alex sat down the bell rang and he had a crush on a girl called Yazmin for nearly four years so today he decide to send her a note asking her to go out.Yazmin had brown long hair , beautiful face and never wore make-up and she never tired to look nice but she does.  She sat in-front of him. He pass the note , she opens it then Alex got called by teacher. The Teacher took out of class and told him. His Parent's died by a unknown object or thing. Alex screamed and all the glass around broke and smash to the ground.Alex ran away suddenly something happen and he started running  super fast , he realized he had super speed and super shout . Teacher fought it be a good idea for the geek Alex to have few days off. Alex had black hair , brown eyes and look very weak. Boaz's amazing family decide to adopt Alex . Their house was modern , white , clean and just amazing. 

Friday 13 November 2015
Those are the links to my channel ( Youtube Channel)

Starwars #1 How i Love it!

Well Star wars is an amazing franchise which show us evil guys can be forgiven and do good to save other for example; Darth Vader  save Luke at the final battle in the sixth movie, but the movie were made a long ago so the quality is little a bit bad but in the bright side the movie story's makes up for it . I wish they add someone he was as terrifying as Darth Vader. Now Here some facts about Star Wars;

Darth Vader

Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He appears in the original trilogy as a pivotal figure, as well as the prequel trilogy as a central figure. The character was created by George Lucas and has been portrayed by numerous actors

LegoVsConsoles: Story Script (base) for Lego Heroes Tv Show ep2 and ep3 and ep 4

Alex: How are you doing?
Rene:(Shouted) Fine
Alex: well...
Beebing sound coming from the phone
Rene: Looks like there is trouble
Alex: You know what i dont get.
Alex: How fast are you!
Rene:Thats notttt
Alex ran out the room with super speed
Rene: how you answer thaa... well it bus time
They walked into the forest
Alex: Hey big or small guy lets  Rummablela
Rene: Rummablela, i dont think thats a word
Alex: Are we really talking about this now!
They started fight
The Darkness King Grabbed The eagle and used his magic and brake his arm
the eagle cries in pain
Alex: Thats It... You hurt my friend i'll show you who is the wolf and eagle we are LEGO HEROES
DARKNESS KING: Well welll , you will die benth my hand but frist i need get my battle ship ready cya
alex dragged rene to his house and treated his arm
Alex turn on the tv
Alex: Sure will
Alex Sneak in the battle ship and went to the darkness king
Alex: Look Who is starting to plan an attack
Darkness king: Hmm  the little pup
Alex battle cry could be heard from a mile away
The BAttle started
Alex Defeated the Darkness King and he went to rene
Alex: Hey i did
Rene : Well done
Alex: Can i play on PS4 PLeasse
Rene : If it was a normal day i would of said no but you just defeat a whole inverson of aliens you can play it
Alex:Awesome Yes
The screen fades out and credits roll in

Alex: Eh Hey What you doing ?
Rene: Working on a new suit for us
Alex: I like our suit, it make ous look ninja gangster ish
Rene: Yeah we need to go subtle not Gangster ninja even that sound sooo cooll
Alex:Well Good Luck   ... i am going to train
Alex Ran out the house
Alex Running Laps in the training ground
Alex gets shot
Alex: Hey Who did that
Kinght : Look who this is Wolfy
Alex:AHH .. Calling Eagle
Rene: Yup , im bit busy,
Alex: Well i am busy running around trying to dont die playing real life GTA with a crazy medevil Knight
Rene: I be there in a sec
Alex Fight
Rene arrived
Rene : You need help
Alex: Da DA DA Of course
Fight Starts
The Knight crabbed wolf and throw at a tree
Alex: OWW!! that hurt
Knight: I have to go i'll be back WHOA HAHAHOHA
Alex: My god he is gone...
Rene: Lets do a research about this guy, i will hack into the miltery system
Alex: Ok
They went to the base
Rene: look at this,  the Knight is alien form another planet and his only goal is total micheal bay
Alex: WOW!
Rene: We got to stop him!!
Alex: it aslo says hate The Wolf and Eagle
Narroiter: Would our Heroes Find a way to stop the over power Beautiful and handsome Knight , sorry this Narroiter is REALLY GAY DA DA DA DA BLUE DADA

Alex: We going to be late for school but i tracked down the knight
Rene: The School Dance is comming soon, i'm going to ask jennfier
Alex: Oh really
Rene: She beautfull and her eyes are lovely
Alex: Wow!! i think you should be gay you know
Rene: Shut up ( freindly funny way)
Alex: Ok prentend i am jennfier
Rene: No
Alex:Just do it, dont let your deams be dreams
Rene: You not shia
Alex: just do it
Rene: Ok ok oka kwaiiii
Alex: (girly voice) Hey Rene , btws your outfits is nice i think
Rene: Would you gooo goo ouut with me?
Alex: No get away from me you hore i am dude
Rene: What!how is that going to help me
Alex: i am showing you reject
Rene: Lets get to school
They enter the school
Jennfier:hey rene (blushing)

Rene: Do wanna gooo  with me to the dance
Jennfier: sure (blushing)
The Knight Attack
Knight: I track down the wolf and eagle power waves to this school
Rene : i have to go
Jennfiers : Theres a monster come with me
Rene Holds Jennfier hand and Jennfier dragged him into closert
Alex: hey look who is it
Knight :wheres the eagle
ALex: i dunno if i do know why would i tell you , you A Hole
Knight:I want all you here so i can get your powers
Knight open the closet door and see jennfier but rene  dispeared into the roof and eagle side kick his face and pick up jennfier
Jenffier: Wheres Rene
Rene: The wolf has him
REne comes back the battle begians
Knight took the wolf and leave